Saturday, November 5, 2022

مدونة اليوم الوطني العماني

اليوم الوطني العماني

الثاني والخمسون

الثامن عشر من نوفمبر ليس يوما عاديا في حياة كل عماني، فهو يمثل فرحة كبيرة ترسخت جيلا بعد جيل في قلوب العمانيين. ففي هذا اليوم تحتفل عمان قاطبة بعيدها الوطني الذي يمر عليه هذا العام 50 عاما من النهضة الحديثة التي شملت ربوع هذا الوطن من أقصاه إلى أقصاه.

النهضة التي كانت بداياتها في عام 1970 والتي إنطلقت على يد المغفور له بإذن الله تعالى حضرة صاحب الجلالة السلطان قابوس بن سعيد المعظم –طيب الله ثراه- الذي عزز مكانة عمان التاريخية وبنى دولة عصرية حديثة يشار إليها بالبنان.

وها هي عمان اليوم تحت ظل القيادة الحكيمة لحضرة صاحب الجلالة السلطان هيثم بن طارق المعظم –حفظه الله ورعاه- الذي تسلم زمام الأمور كمجدد للنهضة ومعزز لما تحقق خلال العقود الماضية من إنجازات، وإن ما نراه خلال الأشهر القليلة الماضية من سعي حثيث على البناء والتجديد لهو منبع فخر واعتزاز لكل من يعيش على أرض عمان فالإنسان العماني على قائمة إهتمامات جلالته

السلطان قابوس والسلطان هيثم

هل اعجبتك المدونة؟؟


Monday, October 25, 2010

friends blog


The iPhone 4 is a slate smartphone developed by Apple. It is the fourth generation of iPhone, and successor to the iPhone 3GS. It is particularly marketed for video calling, consumption of media such as books and periodicals, movies, music, and games, and for general web and e-mail access. It was announced on June 7, 2010, at the WWDC 2010 held at the Moscone Center, San Francisco, and was released on June 24, 2010 in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan.
The iPhone 4 runs Apple's iOS operating system, the same operating system as used on previous iPhones, the iPad, and the iPod Touch. It is primarily controlled by a user's fingertips on the multi-touch display, which is sensitive to fingertip contact.
The most noticeable difference between the iPhone 4 and its predecessors is the new design, which incorporates an uninsulated stainless steel frame that acts as the device's antenna. The internal components of the device are situated between two panels of chemically strengthened aluminosilicate glass. It has an Apple A4 processor and 512 MB of eDRAM, twice that of its predecessor and four times that of the original iPhone. Its 3.5-inch (89 mm) LED backlit liquid crystal display with a 960×640 pixel resolution is marketed as the "Retina Display". Some iPhone 4 buyers have reported signal reduction when the phone is held in certain ways, especially in the left hand, as the antenna problem is in the bottom left corner of the phone's side casing. The company has offered customers a free case until September 30, 2010, or a refund within 30 days of purchase, as cases have been shown to correct this antenna problem. The latest operating system release, iOS 4.1, added functionality such as high dynamic range photos and the Game Center.


A beautiful smile has the power to light up anyone’s day, even your own. If smiling is not your habit or you are unhappy with the smile you present, there are some steps you can take. Follow this guide and you can have a beautiful smile you love to show around. These tips will help you create a relaxed, smiling face that looks natural. Here's how to give off a happy smile.
  1. Relax. Smiling should be fun, not forced or formal. Take a deep breath if necessary and wiggle your jaw until it unclenches and your face is relaxed.
  2. Take care of your mouth. Dental hygiene is important to a healthy smile. Make sure you brush and floss twice daily. If yellowing or staining have you hiding your smile, try a quick over-the-counter whitening or see your dentist for assistance.
  3. Add color and lushness to your lips. When taking care of your mouth, don’t forget your lips. Use lip balm to keep them supple and avoid being chapped. Try a hint of color to perk up your smile. Sometimes just applying lipstick or gloss makes you want to smile in order to show it off.
  4. Think positive thoughts. Smiles are mental (not just physical), so you need to think positive. Whatever it is that makes you want to smile, keep it in the corner of your mind and you can draw a natural smile any time you need it.
  5. Flex your facial muscles by pulling both corners of your mouth. The physical act of smiling requires that the muscles in your cheeks and around your jaw pull upward. These muscles can be sore if unused or if you plaster a false smile on regularly. Now that you’ve completed steps one through four, the muscles should be relaxed enough for you to flex into a more natural-looking smile.

*what is your opinion about my post?
*did you agree with my that the smile is a nice thing and give you good look??

Monday, October 18, 2010

my trip in the sawadi beach

 Iwill talk about my trip yesterday to aswadi beach.
First me and my frinds we were preparing for the trip the small bags, the food and the digital camera.Next at 4 o'clock we were in the bus with so many girl and friends after that we got the beach . we walk in that nice coast and we took pictures .Then  me and two of my frinds go to the boat .It was wonderful the water surround  you and the scenery is  amazing. It was a trip that i will not forget about it .
 aswadi beach